Prices and shipping times seem to vary a LOT and are subject to change – please read the comments to learn about others’ experiences with these companies. The websites listed above may be now more reliable than www.privatedrugstore.eu — some commentors have indicated that since I posted this (Nov 2012), reliability has decreased.]
Also check

Nope, I’m not even kidding — www.privatedrugstore.eu has totally made my YEAR. The only downside is that I had to wait a MONTH for it to arrive, which had me on tenterhooks. Which is why I’m saying, stock up now, even if you aren’t pregnant, for every modern, empowered lady should have it in her medicine cabinet, for herself or a friend in need. The earlier you take it, the better, for you can achieve success with lower dosages and subsequently lesser side effects (google some mifeprex/misoprostol studies to see what I’m talking about) and the longer you wait, the statistically lower your chances of complete abortion become (which means you’d have to go to a clinic anyway to finish, if you only get it partially).
Doing things the “normal” way, and why I think it sucks
Now, the typical, recommended, approved, tested, documented blahblahblah method of chemical abortion in the United States is this: you go to a clinic, or your ob gyn, explain to them you’re pregnant and you don’t want a baby, and then they administer between 200mg – 600mg Mifeprex to block progesterone and “loosen” the uterine lining, then 800mg Misoprostol 12-72 hrs later to induce the contractions to get things “flowing” as it were. Then they bill you for $500. Or maybe you have to pay it upfront, depending on where you’re going. I have a FEW problems with this process:
1. Cost. WTF.
$500, are you NUTS? I’ve got a mortgage and a kid to take care of. I can only think of about a billion things I would much rather put that money towards. I don’t need financial stress on top of the crappy feeling that I screwed up and accidentally got pregnant. At the particular online pharmacy I bought from they even sell a combo package — you get the SAME thing that they administer at the clinics for $500, for $45. If you’re super broke, skip the Mifeprex, cuz you can even buy TWENTY 200mg Misoprostols for $27 (That’s 5 abortions). Ideally the regimen is started with Mifeprex, but I have managed to successfully terminate with a single Misoprostol when I caught it very early on, I think my period was about a week late at the time. If you’re super-early, one Mifeprex alone might work but it’s a bit riskier, because the thing you ultimately want is for the placenta to detach from the uterine wall, and if you’re more than just a couple weeks along, just blocking progesterone for a few days may not be enough – you need those contractions, which is what the Misoprostol does.
2. Privacy and simplicity, or lack there of.
I can go into a drugstore and take care of a yeast infection without explaining the gory details to anyone, why the heck can’t I do the same if I discover my period is late? I have no problem whatsoever with anyone terminating a pregnancy, but something I totally hate about American culture is either the feigned look of empathetic pity you get from people that have never been through it, or on the more extreme end I have heard of judgmental gynecologists insulting their patients’ lifestyle. Or yet worse, if you’re in a red state, you might not find a place to serve you at all.
3. Time.
I hold a full-time job at a technology firm, take care of my baby daughter, make time for my partner (her daddy), play 3 sports, and pursue my artwork on the side. And occasionally like to have a social life. Why should I have to schedule appointments at a providers convenience instead of just buying what I need over the counter or online? Not to mention, they usually make you wait until you’re 6 weeks along – so you get to be all stressed out about it for a while instead of taking care of it immediately.
4. Dosage.
This is an interesting one. After the time I took just one Misoprostol when a week late, I had come to the conclusion that they REALLY overdo it — that the 800 mg of Misoprostol was responsible for causing contractions so intense you feel like you’re giving BIRTH, and that the same could be accomplished with much less. However this time around, I’m led to believe it’s the Mifeprex + Misoprostol combo in the system that is responsible for vomiting, diarrhea and knee-buckling contractions. Even so, I think they over-prescribe the Mifeprex. One 200 mg Mifeprex is likely to make you a little dizzy, a little nauseous for a few days, but not enough to need to take time off work (for me anyway), and it’s enough to get you bleeding by day 2 or 3. I’ve read “official” recommendations that state 400-600 mg taken all at once. Ugh. I don’t know what that does, but I don’t imagine it’s pleasant.
My Recent Experience
So here’s the whole saga from start to finish. I’m going to mark it by LMP (Last Menstrual Period). So week 4 is when I was expecting my period. Week 5 is when I realized “oh shit, I’m a week late.”
Week 5 – 6
Having clearly miscalculated ovulation due to some post-baby irregularity and neglecting to take my usual herbal precautions due to being busy to an insane degree, I found myself a few days *late.* I got a test from the drugstore, and lo, there appeared the faint line confirming my worries. Crap. For a week I went with neem suppositories and ingesting massive amounts of Cotton Root bark, none of which, did a damn thing. That’s when I started looking around online and reading up on “illegal” pharmacies. I found one forum where commentators discussed online pharmacy ratings (I think stuff like pharmacyreviewer.com or pharmacychecker.com or something but I can’t remember), One person questioned the low rating of a pharmacy he had bought from numerous times with positive experiences. The discussion meandered into the “why” behind the low ratings, and some suggested that large “legitimate” pharmaceutical companies purposely do this to try to undermine competition from companies selling the same drugs for a fraction of the price. Huh. So I followed one commentators link to privatedrugstore.eu, found what I wanted, hesitated, pondered, worried I was going to be the victim of credit card fraud, or that it might not work, and a hundred other unpleasant scenarios, before I finally purchased 1 pill of Mifeprex. Why just one Mifeprex? Well, after one of my chemical abortions under the supervision of an RPA, I had started bleeding on day 3 after taking the initial Mifeprex, but before I had taken the Misoprostol. My hypothesis was that ALL I needed to do was block progesterone, and poof, the pregnancy would be weakened enough to leave my body without inducing contractions. So OK, I was wrong, so for chrissake, don’t do this.
Week 6 – 10
My order was placed, all I had to do was breath deeply and wait. This is easier said than done. Especially when the first trimester is making you tired and hungry but you’re keeping it to yourself instead of beaming and exclaiming to everyone that you’re pregnant while demanding their subway seat, or pork chop, or chocolate cake, etc. This can be lonely and stressful unless you have someone close to share it with. Week 10 – 13
So the Mifeprex finally arrives. Whew. I was able to track it online, but there was about a week delay due to extreme weather conditions affecting the post office. It came in a small padded envelope, there was a postage stamp from Singapore, and nothing on the outside indicating what it actually was. The pills were in a foil blister pack like the image at the beginning of this post. I swallowed it, and around 24 hours later, started to bleed. Hallelujah. However, it didn’t continue. By 48 hours after I had taken it, the bleeding had slowed and then stopped. I got online to see what this means in the context of a miscarriage and found out it’s medical definition is “threatened miscarriage,” that it happens with some frequency, and as long as the fetal heart-rate remains strong and the placenta is intact, the pregnancy will in all likelihood continue. *sigh.* So I did a little more research, because the Mifeprex is expensive, and I was starting to get worried that I had missed the window to terminate with a non-invasive method. I REALLY did not want to go into a clinic and have my insides vacuumed out. I found an inspiring medical abstract that encouraged me to place another order, this time for Misoprostol only – 20 x 200mg pills. Here’s the text below:
Zangeneh M, Malek-Khosravi S, Veisi F, Rezavand N, Rezaee M, Rajatee M.
Source: High Risk Pregnancy Research Center, Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Imam Reza Hospital, Kermanshah University of Medical Science, Kermanshah, Iran. mzangene.59710@yahoo.com
To compare 2 different methods-multiple doses of misoprostol and a combination of misoprostol and oxytocin-for termination of pregnancy in the second trimester.
Between 2006 and 2008, 120 women undergoing termination of second-trimester pregnancy in 2 hospitals in Kermanshah, Iran, were enrolled in a randomized trial comparing 2 treatments. In each treatment group, an initial vaginal dose of 600 μg of misoprostol was placed in the posterior fornix. After 6 hours, an intravenous infusion of concentrated oxytocin was given to women in group A, and 400 μg of vaginal misoprostol was given every 6 hours to women group B, up to a maximum of 4 doses. The outcomes were compared via χ(2) and independent t tests.
Within 30 hours, 96.7% of women in group A and 96.7% of women in group B delivered successfully. The average duration between induction and delivery time was 12.3±6.0 hours in group A and 12.1±6.0 hours in group B (P>0.05).
The use of misoprostol with oxytocin, and multiple doses of misoprostol gave similar results for termination of pregnancy in the second trimester.
Copyright © 2012 International Federation of Gynecology and Obstetrics. Published by Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.
PMID: 22261129 [PubMed – indexed for MEDLINE]
Week 13
So this time it only took 2 weeks to arrive. From what I read from the forums on offshore pharmacies, is a little more normal than one month. By this time I was starting to gain a little weight and my breasts were getting bigger. This is no fun – I urge you not to wait so long if you’re going to terminate, seriously.

Photo of what I received – labeled, dated blister packs. Regardless of where you order from, I think if it’s not sealed, accurately labeled and stamped with an expiration date, I probably wouldn’t trust it.
The night they arrived I decided I would take 2 pills (200mg each) vaginally before going to bed, instead of 4, as I had done under the supervision of medical professionals previously. Why? I was afraid of the pain and vomiting and diarrhea I had experienced when doing things the proper, clinic-approved way, with Mifeprex followed by 4x 200mg pills of Misoprostol; I thought this unpleasantry could be avoided with a lower dosage. It took about 3 hours before I felt pressure in my lower back, like a heavy period. I began to bleed. The next morning I awoke, was still bleeding, but hadn’t seen any evidence of a fetus or placenta, so I knew I was still pregnant. The bleeding continued, but subsided somewhat throughout the day. So the next night, I decided to do the same, with 3 pills inserted vaginally instead of 2. Again, similar results – after about 3 hours I had some lower back pressure, like a period, also accompanied by some minor chills but nothing crazy. I followed it up with 2 more pills, I’m not sure how many hours later, but I’m assuming around 4 since the chills had subsided and I was presumably past the ‘peak’ amount of medicine in my system. The following day I continued to bleed some, but again, the products of conception were not expelled. So the third night, I decided to do 4 pills. I felt some back pressure, bleeding, and at one point a few chills but nothing too intense. The next morning, I started feeling some very heavy cramping, not unlike labor pains. I breathed heavily and bent forward to ease myself through it. I was in the bathroom standing at the vanity when suddenly my pants became soaked in a clear fluid. My water had broken. I got onto the toilet, and a moment later everything came out – blood, lining, placenta, and a fetus about 4-5 cm long. I fished it out of the toilet to examine it and put it in a glass container. Later on I wrapped it in a flower bloom, said I was sorry, and buried it at the base of one of my plants. This is another reason I recommend not waiting so long to terminate — a well-developed fetus is not really something you want to look at, unless you are super relaxed and emotionally settled about this sort of stuff. Very early on, it’s a tiny blob, but it gets to look more and more like a little person the longer you wait. Nothing in the world could have outweighed my RELIEF that I was not going to have another baby, but all the same, it’s kind of icky, even if you’re a freak like me and totally fascinated by that shit.
Conclusions and recommendations
This experience taught me a few really important things, which I will pass on here. I’d also like to point out that I have no medical certification of any kind, and according to most rational people, have absolutely no business giving out medical advice. Now that that’s out of the way:
1. There DO exist offshore, illegal pharmacies, selling legitimate drugs. How you decide to trust one, well, that’s tricky. I threw caution to the wind and just decided to trust that it would arrive, that I wouldn’t be overcharged or have my identity stolen, that it was the correct drug within it’s expiration date, and that everything would be OK. Is this how all of them operate? I doubt it. All I can recommend is this one particular website I used – privatedrugstore, providing it is owned and operated by the same people that are doing it as I write this. I’ve included a screenshot of the site I bought from below for reference, in case it closes or the domain name gets bought by someone else.

2. Expect 2-3 weeks for shipping, and longer if extreme weather conditions or other disasters delay the post office.
3. Mifeprex is not necessary at all. In fact, FUCK Mifeprex. Without the Mifeprex, you can rest assured the process will be pretty mild. Mifeprex alone is responsible for a bit of queasiness. Mifeprex & Misoprostol in the body together equals a couple of miserable hours doubled over in pain, vomiting up bile, and chills up and down your whole body even with 5 blankets on top of you. With Misoprostol alone, it’s like a heavy period; the most intense part will be the cramps a few hours or a day after you take the pills, when your cervix starts to open up to let the products of conception pass. This is the not fun part, so be sure not to be at work or school when it happens – do this stuff on a weekend. And if you’re trying to hide this from your parents or whomever, make sure you can get the bathroom to yourself.
*EDIT* July 2019 Ok so I wrote the above based on MY experience, but that’s not necessarily going to be YOUR experience. The efficacy rate for Misoprostol alone is 85%. The efficacy rate for the MTP kit is 95%. There is research on successful termination with Mifeprex alone, albeit limited, but it would appear that blocking progesterone alone for a few days can be a much gentler experience than inducing contractions. Side effects will vary. I think a prudent approach when ordering offshore is to order 1 Mifeprex and a dozen Misoprostol. Try out the Misoprostol alone, and you have a high chance of success. If it doesn’t work, then have another go, starting with the Mifeprex followed by the Misoprostol.
4. If you can afford it, order a little more than you think is necessary. Ordering just the Mifeprex and no Misoprostol, in retrospect, was a dumbass thing for me to do. And even with the Misoprostol, maybe because I was goofing around with dosage, or maybe because I was over 12 weeks along, I ended up using 11 pills in total. 4 x 200mg pills following a progesterone-blocker is generally recommended for up to 9 weeks LMP. So there’s a few factors to consider – it’s very hard to say in this case that it was specifically the 4 pills on the last night that resulted in success, OR if it was the multiple attempts across 3 nights that did it. When using herbs (for anything – a cold, a bacterial infection, whatever), slow and steady usually wins the race, e.g., you don’t generally take one dose and BAM, expect results, that’s a more recent phenomenon of modern medicine & technology. In any case, it’s comforting to know there’s extra if your first attempt doesn’t work. I also still have 9 pills in my drawer, for a rainy day.5. Dosage… If I was to do it all over again, here’s how I would approach the important issue of DOSAGE: 4x 200mg pills vaginally of Misoprostol, each night upon going to bed, until the products of conception are expelled. This is mainly for convenience — if you lead a busy life, night time is probably the only opportunity you have to be prostrate for several hours. I’ve also received the recommendation to do it early in the morning – set your alarm for 5:00 am, insert the pills, and things will get going by the time it’s just getting light out — which can be a much less scary time than the night to try something out when you don’t know precisely what the outcome will be.
*EDIT* July 2019 Since corresponding with so many women about their experiences, I’m changing my stance on this. These medicines affect every woman differently, and there IS NO one-size-fits-all approach. You might be successful with the MTP kit, with Misoprostol alone (2-12 200mg pills), or with Mifeprex alone (400-600mcg in 2-4 doses over a couple days). Or you might not — you might have to tinker a bit and take some of this and then some of that over the course of a few days. Hell, you can terminate successfully in one way, and do the same thing a year later, and the stuff DOESN’T feel/work the same! When I originally wrote this, I still believed it was preferable to terminate a pregnancy under the supervision of a healthcare professional, but not anymore. I believe each woman has to have the freedom to play around with the pills, listen to her body, and make adjustments accordingly, and this is the path to a 100% efficacy for medical abortion. Doctors are severely limited in what they prescribe. BTW, would you say the healthcare industry, including the doctors and researchers publishing papers, is a female-dominated industry? Nope. Buncha old sexist white dudes driving that wagon. So why are we asking them to tell us how our bodies work or for permission to figure it out? Blow me.
6. Open a new email accountto make your order, because once they have your email address, prepare to get SPAMMED with offers from other online pharmacies.
7. Schedule an appointment with an ob-gyn for a pelvic exam, after you believe all the products of conception have passed, to ensure the process has completed. If you experience heavy cramping after you believe everything has passed, you might have a uterine infection, and you should go to urgent care to be prescribed some antibiotics. Lie and say you had a miscarriage. Once you’ve been bleeding for a few days there won’t be any evidence of the stuff in your vagina or your system.
A few words on the whole damn subject
It seems to me that the FDA is making what COULD be an easy, private, inexpensive process, a royal pain in the neck. Why? Maybe to cover their butts from getting sued, in case you aren’t administered enough, and you have to go in for a surgical abortion if it doesn’t work. Either that, or its some Republican conspiracy to make pregnancy termination so incredibly unpleasant that you’re more likely to go through with the pregnancy, because god only knows, what this planet needs is more PEOPLE. I HAVE read that more than one key person has resigned from the FDA over the decision to stall Mifeprex’s over-the-counter availability – because they felt it was for political reasons and NOT grounded in health facts.
I think a common question this raises in most of our minds is “well, SHOULD it be so easy?” For many, the idea of a new life hangs in the balance, and some inner voice suggests it’s immoral for women to repeatedly seek abortions. To a woman that does not want a baby, I think the point of sperm meeting egg, or the point of a zygote implanting in the uterine wall holds little significance. I think many take desperate measures, when simple ones are not available. If there is zero detriment to the health of the woman in question, if it is inexpensive and doesn’t take her out of work — well… is it such a bad thing? I’ve read about Sylphium in ancient Cyrene, that physicians recommended it once a month for “preventing anything from forming, and eliminating anything that might be there.” Granted, ancient times were considerably more brutal than modern civilized ones, but in this one aspect – the lack of public scrutiny and controversy of women’s handling of their fertility, I cannot come up with a logical argument against it.
I know one day I may have to answer these questions for my daughter. And I know that it’s possible that one day, when she is a teenager, she’ll come home to tell me she’s pregnant and not ready to take the step of being a parent. If that happens, I want to be able to offer her an easy, simple, shameless and inexpensive solution. On the other hand, I don’t want to encourage her to go out having lots of unprotected sex, or to ignore holistic preventative birth control and the workings of her cycle because it’s just so easy to pop a pill. I want her to treat her body and temple with care and deliberation, and never to be at war with it, or at the mercy of it’s hormones or maladies, or to believe that it’s something to be controlled only with the help of big pharma.
Another important point of consideration, is the zero benefit + great detriment of unplanned pregnancies on the whole. I have seen instances in my own social circles, where slower child development *appeared* to correlate with mom not knowing that she was pregnant for the first few months. Like every mom, I watch my child’s development with care and concern. Even knowing from the moment her daddy and I decided to try and make a baby, even with taking all the precautions and supplements from the moment i thought she might be in my tummy, and pouring over countless books and forums about what I could do to help her growing little body and brain, I still worry. I still fret over details. I am relieved when I read that she’s on schedule with crawling, babbling, each new tooth that comes in and each new facial expression she gives me. Maybe it’s silly, but everyone with a kid knows what I’m talking about. It’s hard not to judge yourself, when you judge the progress of your little one.
This is not to say slower development is mom’s *fault*. It is the world we live in. Perhaps there was a time when not knowing one was pregnant for the first month or two had little impact on the health of the child eventually born. But these days, what with mass-produced food so lacking in nutritional value that one NEEDS supplements throughout pregnancy, what with lifestyles abounding with fast-food, alcohol and radiation, what with statistical evidence that fasting/dieting during the first critical months creates spikes in birth defects 9 months later, my opinion is that each pregnancy SHOULD be planned and nurtured. This doesn’t even touch on the implications of a social structure that leaves individuals with little to nothing in the way of social protections if they aren’t blessed with the luck of the marketplace. A woman knows when it’s a good time to have a baby, and when it’s not. And this is of greatest consequence to the ultimate health and happiness of our society, and planet.
I ordered my kit through zeepharm.biz (block your VPN though because if you don’t you might get a blank page, I only had a problem pulling it up sometimes, and blocking my VPN fixed it). So I got my kit which is five pills all together. But I see some comments where the meds are taken orally and some vaginally. I’m a little confused you shoyld I take it? Can someone help please?? Also, 12 pills? Did I not get enough ordered? My kit is called mefigest. Thank you!! By the way, shipping was very fast and there was an option to pay with bitcoin so you don’t have to have it show up on your bank statement. I hope this info helps and good luck!
Olga – when I was 8 weeks a rep via chat on Zee told me that I would need 2 kits. She said 5 weeks and below is 1 kit. But I think it just depends on your body and how many weeks you are. I’ve read every comment on this blog and it seems different things work for different people. MS said to buy more just incase you need it. But Let’s just hope your 1 kit does the trick!
Hey ladies, has anyone heard of the o/c drug by the name of Ellaone? It’s real big in the UK they sell it like plan b. The Big difference is it has the same chemical makeup of ru486/or milf… prjktruby has them for about $70 You just have to answer some questions. And she sells it under ella..The drug is intended for use as an emergency contraception and only recommend up to 5 days after unprotected sex. However if you research like I said it has the same chemical makeup as the abortion pill… Just keep the 5 day thing in mind when answering the question when ordering.
If anyone is ordering off ADC and you need the milf pill you can order methotrexate.. research they use this pill in some states instead of milf for the first dose. It does the same thing. The only thing is the amount of medicine you would actually need seeing the use between 75 and 100mg pills and Adc sells the 2.5 g
Shantelle, let me know how it goes! I’m calling my bank as soon as they open because I NEED THOSE PILLS! Lol
I finally got a tracking # from ADC 😃
It says 5-15 days. I just hope it’s closer to 5 rather than 15. This is my 11th week and I’m just ready to get this over with. These hormones and symptoms are no joke! Not to mention major weight gain. I’m terrified! Ok I’m done ranting 😩
Deontae, where did you order from?
I received an email from ALLDAYCHEMIST and they’re requesting a prescription! LIKE WHY? WHY ME?
Deontae, disregard my previous comment!
I’ve called them before and they picked right up. Maybe call them and ask them what the heck? And also when I did mine, I didn’t put anything in the comments on that part or anything and just check whatever the website required me to check in those boxes. Like I did the bare minimal. Do you know if you did any more or any less than that?
I’m 17. I can’t afford a child, my parents can’t even afford to take me to the doctor myself. They are against abortion.
I need a website that’s legit so I can order from there and be mailed quickly. Please email me or respond here?
I only checked what was required! Nothing more! I canceled and tried placing another order!
Ericka, I ordered from all day chemist. They were the most reasonably priced but the order process is a headache. I didn’t have to have a scrip but I did have to email a copy of my id before they approved my order and that took almost a week. After that it took almost another week to approve my purchase off of my debit card. That was approved on 7/25/18 and I just got a tracking # about a day ago. I just hope they come soon for us all.
I ordered Ella on sunday spoke with a doc yesterday and my order will be here today!! FedEx overnight shipping for free!! All studies show it works just like ru486 thank you traci I hope all goes well!
So I ordered off all day and was approved on the 25, it left india on the 27 and it’s here at my local post office today!! I seen a couple people who ordered miso off all day and you took all of them and nothing happend!!.. if you guys had success could you please update. I’m scared I’m 9 weeks and don’t wanna wait if i need to order more.. is the dose weak or do you just have to take more than normal? Praying for a great outcome!! Fingers crossed××
Em- did anything else happen.. did you go to the doc to see if there was a heartbeat??
Tina- I seen at first you took pills and had to order more and praised Adc.. How many of the second round did you have to take?
Just curious and scared hope I don’t have to order again!! Thank you ladies I will update when I start the meds..
Overwith, you just gave me hope because I was so afraid to even track my package after reading some of the delivery nightmares. I just tracked it after reading your post and it says mine is on its way to a usps facility😃 I am beyond happy right now! I know every woman’s body is different but I wish more people who ordered from ADC would do reviews because I am so nervous and don’t know what to expect.
Overwith- you can just do 4 pills… MS said she did her vaginally and she was over 9 weeks.
Well if you Ladies have any extras and are willing to sell, I am willing to pay!
Bought Misoprostol tablets online and paid expedited shipping. Looked like it wasn’t working, so I duplicated my order. Got charged twice, so I’ve got some to sell. Will do 8 tablets for $100, with 2 day shipping. I only ended up needing 4 to complete. sactopher@yahoo.com
Ericka, I will update when mines arrive
One more thing, by the time my package arrives I will be between 11 weeks (if it comes this week) or more. When I expell the contents of conception, if the cord is still attached what do I do? Please help I wanna be as prepared as possible. Thanks in advance 😘
Deontae, that is a great question! That never crossed my mind!
I’m going to order from Zee. Can I hear any advice on them ? I’m about 7-8 week pregnant. And I need them to come in quick.
I really need some peoples experience or success story’s because I cannot afford to even go into the doctor let alone a baby.
Email me at ravennv@icloud.com
If anybody has any extra, please let me know. I’ll buy!
Any idea when the bodega will be up? I’d rather not wait 2-3 weeks to get a package from India. 😢
Anybody had any progress? I surely haven’t 😩
Deonta, no progress with the pills? 😩 tell me what all you did???
Tea-Bag, I don’t think it’s coming back 😢
Ok so I just got my confirmation text saying that my package is in my local usps facility 😅 what a relief. All in all the process too about two weeks from ordering to the package getting to my post office. I only wish I would’ve found this site earlier, but now that I have I will take this info with me wherever I go. Ladies, don’t give up hope. Keep pushing forward. Thankful to see light at the end of this tunnel.
Deontae, you had me worried! I thought the pills didn’t work for you! Can you please update us with any progress? Thank you 😊
Deontae, I thought the pills didn’t work for you! I became worried! Can you please update us with any progress? Thank you 😊
Yes, Deontae please let us know if the pills work, and if you end up having extra, please let me get first dibs!
Hey ladies, this will be my first & hopefully last attempt to do a diy termination, I’m about 10 weeks, I need to know how many pills do you recommend, it seems I just need to order Misoprostol, but I want them asap.
Ericka – did you get your order to go through? Mine arrived in a USPS facility in Chicago. I’m in Texas. So Halleluer for that.
Deontae – HelloOoOo! We need answers! Lol
I jus got my pills delivered by USPS and jus my luck our city has had a major water pipe brake and we are without water until further notice so until I have running water I am postponing my attempt for sanitation issues. I will update as soon as possible.
Deontae, sounds like my town, lol! Okay, I’m thankful for the updates!
Oh God the suspense is killing me! Lbs. Hope to hear from you soon!
My pills just came! (Texas) That was really fast shipping – I just got my tracking number 2 days ago. I ordered them July 27 – got accepted for them July 28th – they sent the tracking number Aug 2nd – and the guy was banging on my door for me to sign for the package just now. I was expecting 5-15 days like it said but it came in 2! Thankful for that!
Let us know how it goes Shantelle!
Nicolej- Try 12 or less! Read the blog that MS posted.
Shantelle- yes I did! I called them and they sent me an email requesting identification instead of prescription! Please let us know about your process! Thanks
I’ll make sure to update! I won’t be able to start the process until tomorrow because of work but I’ll be back with positive updates hopefully! *fingers crossed*
Shantelle – thank you so much! I’m accepting of anything that’ll help me when I get to that point!
Does anyone have anymore they would like to sell? I’m nearing 8 weeks and getting nothing from other websites.pls. email me stella2033@hotmail.com
Just misoprotol or the kit whatever you have please get in touch thank you. The bodega has been such a help but her webpage is down and idk what to do….any tips appreciated thank you!!!!
Hey ladies, once I receive my package and start my process depending on how pills I use, I’ll be willing to sell! I will keep updating.
Ericka- I’d be willing to buy! Keep me posted!
Alrighty! So.
1:40am – 4 pills vaginally
chills began maybe an hour later. Light chills, nothing horrible at all barely even noticed.
3:50am – a watery/wet feeling woke me & my stomach felt tight sort of. Went to the bathroom, it was clear – so that was my water I assume. Went back to bed. Chills still. 1 hour later contractions started. Felt like Braxton Hicks. Idk what menstrual cramps feel like but I guess if you don’t know what Braxton Hicks feel like then compare it to cramps. Not painful for me at all just very uncomfortable. Definitely bearable. They were coming about every minute or 2 non stop.
6:00am – again a wet feeling but more and it kept coming.
6:15am – went to the bathroom – blood everywhere looked like a murder scene. Gravity from getting up hit and I felt something passing through – caught the placenta and cord. Blood dripping everywhere I started the shower and hopped in. After a few mins started feeling light headed like I was going to pass out so I squatted in the shower – when I did that I felt something trying to pass so I got ready to catch it. It was the baby. After calming myself down from seeing that I washed it off and examined it. It was a boy. (I have 3 boys already, the youngest 6 months old). Sat in the shower for awhile and then the nausea, and diarrhea kicked in 😩 hopped out the shower and on the toilet where I threw up, had diarrhea and felt a few more clots passing through all at once. It was ugly. I was about 12 weeks pregnant. Baby was size of my palm length wise. Passing the placenta and baby didn’t hurt at all. It only took me 4 pills and a few hours. That’s all, to my surprise. But I will say that I have a very weak cervix so that may be why it took nothing at all for this process. I didn’t take pain meds before hand. My recommendations are – take pain meds just Incase bc I think I got lucky. Have a barf bag in the bathroom with you and try not wait as long as I did to order. Alldaychemist is legit. For me didn’t take long to arrive (Texas) I purchased like July 27 and they came 2 days ago and I think total was $41 for 32 pills. Didn’t have any issues with purchasing. I’m so glad it’s over and I’m so exhausted. Best of luck to all of you going through this! And thank you so much to MS for the blog! Lots of love <3
Thank you so much Shantelle! I will be ordering mine tomorrow from ADC if nobody can offer any extras. And I’m so sorry it was so gruesome. Can’t believe you were able to see the sex! I’m way too early, thank God. Happy Healing, sister.
Shantelle, THANK YOU SO MUCH for that update, very detailed! What did you do with the fetus? Since you received yours before I did, sell some to Tea-Bag and Stella! 🙃
I should be receiving my package SOON! I am ready to get this over with, my breasts and this weight gain is something on top of playing in a women’s softball league! I’m sure this way is better than going to a clinic based on the story that my friend told me!
Please email me at Mariah.a.henley@gmail.com. I have so many questions and need help finding a provider to buy from.
I just started my journey at 8a.m. I’m just about done letting the pills desolve and I’m already starting to cramp.
#SHANTELLE, did the cord detach on its own? Thanks for your detailed insight on what’s to come for me in the next few hours.
Thanks Deontae for the update! I was wondering how were things going for you! Keep updating! 🤗🤗
#Shantelle your details were great!!
If you are willing to part with some of your leftovers I can Wal-Mart to Wal-Mart you money or maybe a other way? I’m hoping to try it vaginally this time because just the thought of the pills under my younger make me cringe!! Let me know please if not I will order them online 👈👈😊