Like many Narcs, the one with whom I share a daughter, likes to use the kid as a creepy excuse to impose his presence on me and pick fights. When I wriggle out of it, he takes me to Court. As you can imagine, this is a cripplingly expensive situation for yours truly. But Family Court is a joke, just like the rest of the so-called American Justice System, and the lawyers and judges all make way too much money off it being ineffective to bother changing anything. So most of the time, you must take matters into your own hands, and do so with the precision of a surgeon so as not to damage the kids or your reputation before the Court.
When it was time for my daughter’s 4th birthday, and subsequently her first REAL birthday party with her whole preschool class, the Narc of course wanted to co-host a party. Because I don’t party with people that are incessantly suing me, I declined, which is when his Narc lawyer got involved and the fun began. Kids’ birthday parties are like the caviar of Narcissistic Supply for an NPD dad. Especially if they can get an organized schmuck like me to plan, prep and pay for everything. Ha.
I’m including actual emails, with identifying information removed and names replaced. Here’s a key:
[Yours truly] …………………………. That’s me
[A**hole] ……………………………… My asshole ex
[our daughter]/[dear daughter] …. Our daughter
The Narcissist baits you, but don’t give in
Ever since I left him, the Narc has become superdad, and in true superdad fashion, emailed me a month before the kid’s birthday to see what “our” plans were. Luckily, I had not yet planned anything, so the stakes were flexible.
On Mon, Dec 21, 2015 at 12:24 PM, [A**hole] <name@emaildomain.com> wrote:
Want to check in with you about [our daughter]’s birthday. I would love to do it at school on Friday the day before her birthday on Friday the 15th so she can be with all her classmates. I have to check with [her teachers] to see if they offer this and the details.
I would be into splitting the costs of this if we both want to attend it. I think [our daughter] would really appreciate that. She kept looking around for you at her performance on Thursday.
I am open to setting up some guidelines on how we interact at these types of events to make things flow as much as possible.
curious to hear your thoughts
My firm, detailed and unemotional response citing past visitation patterns and the custody agreement we’d been drafting for the prior year:
Date: Mon, Dec 21, 2015 at 1:29 PM
I’m not interested in co-hosting her birthday party. You had her last year on her birthday, and I had her the day after (which meant she got to have birthday weekend, not just the day), and the parenting stipulation alternates birthday access each year. I plan to follow the access schedule and pick her up from school at 2pm Friday Jan 15. Your pickup from Thompson is scheduled at 4pm that day. On Saturday Jan 16 I have early plans so I’ll need to pick her up in the morning – 10am, and can return her in the evening before bedtime.
The Narc’s Slimy Lawyer
Whenever the Narc knew I wasn’t backing down I’d hear from his attorney. His attorney, whose suits never matched and who’s “office” was at WeWork.com (one of those office-sharing places). And who would look at me like he wanted to fuck me during settlement discussions. He once had to gaul to invite me to do a “settlement talk” without his client present – just him and me. Sheah.
What follows is the long-winded, contradictory email from this slimeball to MY lawyer, suggesting that I’d better spend time with his client if I want to see my kid at ALL on her birthday, or they’ll file a motion:
———- Forwarded message ———-
From: The Narc’s Slimeball Attorney <slimeball@myassholeattorneyfirm.com>
Date: Mon, Dec 21, 2015 at 3:31 PM
Subject: Yours truly vs A**hole
To: MY Attorney <justaname@myattorney.com>
Cc: [A**hole] <name@emaildomain.com>, [Yours truly] <name@emaildomain.com>
Ms. Attorney,
My client emailed me to inform me that there’s been some talk between the parties that indicates that Ms. [Yours truly] is of the view that something beyond a regular parenting time schedule is in place. As you know, the court has set a regular parenting time schedule and told us that if it was followed, it would not bother ordering it. There is no other order in place, ordered or understood. I write because the email chain below indicates the view that there is some order or stipulation in place which applies to holidays/[dear daughter]’s birthday. There isn’t. The parties are in the position that they either work something out for something like the child’s birthday or they resort to motion practice or a call with the court.
Happy to figure out the holiday season and/or [dear daughter]’s birthday through counsel or let the parties work it out but, again, there has been no court order or directive regarding anything other than the regular weekly schedule and neither party can dictate to the other how things like birthdays and holidays will proceed.
[The Narc’s Slimeball Attorney]
Shakespeare was totally right when he said “First, we must kill all the lawyers”. They will lie and threaten even when they know their client is the asshole in the situation. Cuz they’re getting paid to. So I had a predicament.
Don’t let them see you sweat
A year prior I probably would have shot back a hot, retaliatory email, which would have escalated into a lot of other emails, which Narcs love to bring to Court to show how unstable you get after they’ve carefully wound you up. This time I decided to be a little smarter.
My response (sent to the Narc only):
On Tue, Dec 22, 2015 at 10:31 AM, [Yours truly] <name@emaildomain.com> wrote:
There’s no need to go running scared into your lawyer’s skirts. We’ve been alternating birthdays since we ceased living together, and the birthday access has been written as such through numerous drafts of the parenting stipulation document. If you wanted a deviation from that, why didn’t you reach out sooner? I’ve already booked and gave the deposit for a party package at a museum in the afternoon. Earlier in the day I’m planning on taking her to a show. These things fill up quickly in the city and must be reserved.
I understand that attending such events together is important for you, but that’s not an option. I’m willing to leave the party halfway through and you may attend the second half of the party 4:30-5:30 and take her home after. If you decide to attend, we will need to discuss the sharing of costs – $1385 ($1100 party package for up to 20 kids, $20 each additional, $200 catering, $85 vegan cake).
[Yours truly]
Let them think they’ve won
Mind you, no party has been planned at the Museum — in fact, no party has been planned at all. Have you seen Hitchcock’s Family Plot? I love scenarios involving hiding things in plain site as something else. The Narc wants a fight, so you must give them a fight — but rig it.
On Sun, Dec 27, 2015 at 9:54 PM, [A**hole] <name@emaildomain.com> wrote:
Hey [Yours truly],
Thanks for getting back to me.I am reaching out to you from a grounded place.
I have asked you this before and I will again to be clear. I request that you address me like you would address a business partner. Please dont make sexest derogetrory statements towards me. No need to be super friendly just cordial. Especially when things are hard. This will make navigating coparenting [our daughter] easier. Curious to hear your thoughts on this. This is really important
Lets talk [our daughter]’s Birthday. I dont want you to have to leave the party that you have planned and paid an incredible amount of money for. I imagine that would be a big bummer. I am willing to pitch in for the party costs. If you can send me the receipts I am willing to pay for half. I have two requests. 1. There are 5 kids I would like to reach out to invite. Not sure how many slots are left I or if the kids I want to invite are available to come. I am willing to put in extra for these kids. 2. I would like for both of us to be at the party for [our daughter]. I imagine this can work is we agree to minimal contact with each other outside of a hello at the start. I have no problems being in the same room as you without interacting together. This seemed to work well at the meeting we had earlier in the year at school. Seems like we both found space to interact with other parents and both got the info that we needed for [our daughter]. I think having BOTH of us there would make [our daughter] so happy.
As expected, the Narc can’t let me get away for a second. We MUST attend the whole party together. Phhhbbbt, so what? It’s a pretend party — and there is no spoon.
On Wed, Dec 30, 2015 at 8:52 PM, [Yours truly] <name@emaildomain.com> wrote:
So [our daughter] is a business and we are business partners now? That’s an interesting take on it. Also interesting that you want cordiality while relying on your lawyer to make empty threats and blow hot air when the argument isn’t going your way. Do you find that this sort of double-standard makes for successful interpersonal relationships?
Regarding costs – we can settle up directly with the museum day of once the final headcount is in. The only thing there won’t be a receipt for is the food prep, which I am hiring [babysitter] to do ($60 for 4 hrs), but this is obviously easily verifiable. While I think it’s great that you are finally taking steps to support [our daughter] in a more adequate way, I do wonder whether you wouldn’t be better off holding a separate gathering for her in the morning or the following day for the Brooklyn friends. Taking on the cost of the Manhattan party must surely be difficult given the alleged financial challenges you mentioned in our last therapy session, and doing separate birthday gatherings would alleviate you of the obligation to split costs.
Regarding attending at the same time: I’d like you to take a moment and think about whether your need to bask in the glow of my presence is really for [our daughter]’s benefit, or for yours. Taking shifts, as we did with the preschool meet-n-greet, minimizes the conflict that she bears witness to, and makes things less uncomfortable for the parents that know of your custody case against me. [Our daughter] has a well-developed understanding of adult relationships, we don’t need to pretend we are something we aren’t. I recall you saying that your reconstructed shoulder was a good lesson about what happens when you aren’t able to let go; I imagine all this holding on must take an enormous amount of energy for you.
[Yours truly]
Meanwhile, I sent out invites to the real party, which I planned for the same day, just a few hours earlier, at my place.
From: [Yours truly] <name@emaildomain.com>
Sent: Wednesday, December 30, 2015 9:22 PM
To: [Undisclosed recipient list] <undisclosed@email.com>
Subject: Birthday Party!
[Dear daughter] is turning 4
Saturday Jan 16 1pm – 3pm
555 Address St.
Some city XX 12345
IF YOU’RE A KID: Come in costume! (Or bring one just in case)
IN THE SPIRIT OF ECOLOGICAL RESPONSIBILITY Please do not buy a new gift. Instead, either a bottle of wine to share with the adults OR a second-hand toy or book, be it from a thrift store or one your child is ready to let go of, would be most welcome.
It’s Never Enough
No matter how much you compromise, they will always push for more. So stop compromising. At this point I’m just fucking with him, which is way more fun when you don’t have any skin in the game.
On Thu, Dec 31, 2015 at 1:33 PM, [A**hole] <name@emaildomain.com> wrote:
Once again sending this message from a grounded place. The intention is to move past existing barriers so that we can co parent [our daughter]. The be super clear we are her parents not business partners. (that metaphor was an attempt to give some guidance on how you should relate to me whenever we are communicating) My point was to make it clear that it is not healthy to use derogatory language when conversing with me EVER. Both in person and via email. Its not helpful under any circumstances. Is that more clear?
As for my lawyer he does his own thing. Hopefully we will be done with that process soon. As always I am willing to get together and work that out anytime. Just say the word and I have a feeling we can get together and come to an amicable agreement in just few hours. 🙂
I am fine with settling up at the museum on the day of the party. Splitting costs for [our daughter] on anything we agree upon doing together is what we have always done. Ever since she was born. I think we have both made lots of sacrifices for [our daughter]. That is part of being a parent. I embrace that 🙂 I do also agree that it is a very expensive party. I would love to do the planning for next years party. I have some good ideas that I think she will enjoy. Maybe we can take turns doing the planning?
I think you hit the nail on the head when talking about letting go [Your truly]. I was able to let go of the difficulties in our connection and the differences between us a long long time ago. You are [dear daughter]’s mom and I treat you with the respect that my daughters mom deserves. Its been years since I have felt any difficulty when in a public setting together, for the most part I think we do a good job of keeping communication clear and concise to get the task at hand completed (Doctors appointments, school events, drop offs, dentist appointments, mediation, lawyers visits).
Remember how contentious it was to do drop offs? And your strong resistance to that? I feel as though that has gone really well and has been pretty seamless. Its been so nice to not have to schedule a third party to take care of drop offs and pickups.
Being able to share [our daughter]’s events as she grows up is another BIG step towards having LESS things to negotiate between us. We both attend the event (Birthdays, soccer games, recitals, school events ect there will be TONS of them) and give each other lots of space to enjoy the event individually. BOTH of us there to support [our daughter]. We are team make [our daughter]’s like incredible. 🙂 So far I think we are doing a pretty great job AND I believe we can do better. Lets put our differences aside and be there for [our daughter] 🙂
The thing I find most interesting about the above email is his apparent view that court is somehow disconnected from our ongoing rapport and his lawyer just “does his own thing.” So of course I should be able to happily hang out with someone who is suing me. WTF??
This could go on forever, but I have a kid’s party to plan.
See you at the party, and in Court. Douchebag.
It’s taken me a long time to learn, but Court is just the thing he does to threaten me when I don’t do his bidding in real life. Court is not a place to negotiate, because there is no negotiation – why would the Narc ever negotiate with what he sees as his property? The Narcissist sees the Court as a tool with which to punish your disobedience — not as a forum to resolve disputes. Expect to go when you’ve been naughty, and be able to innocently explain yourself to the judge. Or better yet, embarrass him, so he’ll keep his fool mouth shut, in and out of Court. No one retells stories where they’re the butt of a joke.
I waited until the Narc asked before giving the time and location of the fake party:
On Friday, January 8, 2016, [A**hole] <name@emaildomain.com> wrote:
Hope you guys are having a wonderful weekend. Following up on this. Want to get all the details for next week. 🙂
On Sun, Jan 10, 2016 at 7:33 AM, [Yours truly] <name@emaildomain.com> wrote:
Museum 999 Address st. booked 3:30p-5:30p
The puppet show is 12:30 in Neighbordhood but [babysitter] is coming here early to start cooking so I’m going to ask her to bring [our daughter] with @11a
On Sunday, January 10, 2016, [A**hole] <name@emaildomain.com> wrote:
Ok great. I can send 500 for the party now and then the rest on the day of the party. How does that sound?
What is the story with the puppet show exactly?
On Mon, Jan 11, 2016 at 12:35 AM, [Yours truly] <name@emaildomain.com> wrote:
We settle up with the museum in person when the final guest count is in. Cake is COD so bring cash. The puppet show is something I am doing with just her before the party
You know what his response to that was? To send me $500 via banking app. HA. It’s like I’m his kiddie party concubine and I’m getting a doggie treat for good behavior. More like icing on the dogshit cake I’m baking him.
On Mon, Jan 11, 2016 at 12:44 AM, [A**hole] <name@emaildomain.com> wrote:
Ok I sent you 500 Quickpay. You can ignore it and we can do it at the museum like you said.
Enjoy the puppet show. I think she will really love that. So nice of [mutual friend] to offer to do that for her 🙂
[Our daughter] is going to be so happy this weekend!!! I have a feeling this may be the first birthday she remembers. She has been looking forward to it for so long.
Day of, I was preparing my place feverishly, and the babysitter was scheduled to pick up my sweetpea from her father’s. In addition to being stressed out about organizing a kid’s party, I was nervous about something going wrong with my plans and her father figuring it out, potentially ruining her first real birthday party with a nasty fight. The morning of, I carefully drafted, but did not send, an apologetic cancellation email. The guests arrived as I was frantically inflating balloons from a helium tank. My babysitter had cooked up a storm of Moroccan food. Presents were ripped open anywhere and everywhere and thrown asunder. We sang Happy Birthday, and as the train of guests approached her with the lit-up cake in my hands, my little one beamed with proud anticipation, clasped her hands, and inhaled like an opera singer commencing her solo before blowing out the flames. Cake was had, and my apartment looked like a bomb hit it.
A few minutes before 4pm, I received a panicked SMS
I pulled up my prepared draft email on my phone, and hit send:
On Jan 16, 2016 15:28, [Yours truly] <name@emaildomain.com> wrote:
There was a last minute change of plans — I’m bringing [our daughter] to the museum shortly, but I cancelled the party booking.
This morning I woke up with severe stomach cramps, which have gotten steadily worse throughout the day. At a certain point I realized I wouldn’t be able to attend [our daughter]’s birthday and would have to make some other arrangements, or her first party memory will be her mother having an anxiety attack and possibly going to the emergency room. Additionally, it would mean leaning on you to manage and pay for the entire thing, which is the last thing I want to saddle you with given your debts.
I believe it’s anxiety-related, and that it has to do with the idea of co-hosting a birthday party with someone that has spent the last 1.5 yrs aggressively suing me. I informed the guests of all of this. I feel blessed that we have such a supportive community of understanding parents.
I’m truly sorry, and I’m sure we’ll get to a happy place where we can share company one day, but I’m just not there yet. Something I always appreciated about you was your commitment to athleticism – for we both know all too well that there are times the mind wants one thing and the body decides another, and when that happens, the body usually wins out.
On the bright side, [our daughter] gets to enjoy an extended birthday comprised of 2 smaller gatherings, she doesn’t have to witness any conflict between us, or her mom having a panic attack (which I think would really freak out the kids). And we don’t have to deal with the high party cost, but you and your guests can still enjoy a group outing at [Museum]. When life gives lemons, make lemonade:-/.
I hope you guys have an awesome time at the museum, and at Eliza’s birthday party tomorrow, please give her and her family my best.
[Yours truly]
Then I grabbed the girl, told her to say goodbye and thank you to all her friends that came to the party, hopped in a cab, and headed to the Museum with my heart in my throat. I anticipated a fight.
Holy cow, Narcissists are gullible
On Sat, Jan 16, 2016 at 3:36 PM, [A**hole] <name@emaildomain.com> wrote:
I’m so sorry to hear that you aren’t feeling well. Take care of yourself [Yours truly]. You are one of the strongest people I know. Let me know if there is anything I can do to help.
PS I would love to still have the cake here. I’m of course willing to pay for it. I invited a few people so we can make it a mini lemonade party 🙂
We are here now. How long until [our daughter] gets here?
When we arrived, he and a few other people were waiting in the lobby. As soon as my daughter entered, a little girl exclaimed “Birthday girl!” and she went off to bask in the attention while I contended with her father. With wide eyes, he asked if I was ok. I clutched my stomach, made a face, and wearily uttered “yeah, I’ll be alright, but I really gotta go.” as I backed out the door he asked about the cake. I responded that it was consumed by the few concerned friends and neighbors who hobbled the last minute gathering for her. He was disappointed, but with a face of purest concern, told me to feel better. I stumbled out and walked home, utterly dumbfounded that the stupid fuck bought it.
The Narc’s Wounded Ego
Of course, it wasn’t long before lil miss was talking about the big bash mommy threw for her. A week later, I got the email informing me he’d figured it out.
On Saturday, January 23, 2016, [A**hole] <name@emaildomain.com> wrote:
I heard you ended up throwing the party somewhere else. Thats pretty crappy [yours truly]. Pretty underhanded. Especially to pretend like you were sick 🙁 We are on the same team. Team make [our daughter]’s life great. That means working together sometimes. That means both being there to support her in her biggest life moments.
I will be out of town next week. [Our daughter] will be staying with [my brother] and [his wife] for the weekend with her new cousin. [The babysitter] will pick her up from your place at the normal time.
Also we will be going to the out of town the last week of March. We will likely fly out on Sunday the 20th and back on Monday the 28th.
It really succinctly outlines his Modus Operandi towards me: If you do not spend time with me, I will take your baby away.
But I was so high on my win, I was bulletproof. And I had learned an important lesson about how to deal with Narcs. Don’t confront the beast head-on. You’ll just lock horns, which is exactly what he wants. Instead, tell him what he wants to hear, and then go around him.
On Sun, Jan 24, 2016 at 8:21 AM, [Yours truly] <name@emaildomain.com> wrote:
That is so nice of [your brother] and [his wife] to watch [our daughter] while you are gone, please send them my thanks. I do hope you are hiring [babysitter] to help them out over the weekend so that it’s more like giving them the gift of some experienced help with their 2-week-old newborn and less like dumping a toddler on two brand-new parents.
Your spring break/Easter vacation with [our daughter] in March sounds great, and may I commend you for planning in advance and following the holiday access schedule we have in the settlement documents, it makes things so much less confusing. Have fun and keep up the great work!
While he was on vacation I spoke with his father and his brother and the babysitter, all of whom agreed with me: sending my little girl to stay with the new parents of a two-week-old, who lived a couple hours car ride away, through the weekend, was a terrible idea and she should stay with me if her father is going on vacation.
It took me a couple years and many thousands in legal fees to learn that reasoning, crying, screaming, and getting a restraining order isn’t going to do a damn thing. Instead you must make the stalker think that you are where you are not and that you are not where you are.
Once I figured that out, it became like a game. He’d ask if I was bringing our daughter to her friend’s birthday party (scheduled during my weekend with her), so I’d say we were upstate, and then ask a few friends to report on whether or not he had shown up before I decided to go (because what kind of creepy dad would show up to a kid’s party without their kid, right?). Same thing with field trips, but I ended up missing more of those. Doctor’s appointments were fun. If he insisted that we go together, I’d schedule it with him, and then call back and reschedule for earlier in the week. Then day of I’d text him to say there was an earlier cancellation. He would drop everything and bike over the bridge in the summer heat… only to get there long after we’d left the office and descended into the subway. I’d offer a shrugging apology and then suggest he take her to the next one – by himself. Because NORMAL parents alternate with that shit instead of treating it like some kind of bloody DATE.
Eventually they get tired and stop bothering. Curt graciousness and your continued lack of company offer little in the way of Narcissistic Supply, or fodder for the Court, and they don’t REALLY want to put in the work of attending birthday parties, fieldtrips and doctor’s appointments with the kid – it’s just an excuse to hoover and terrorize you.
Don’t let them see you sweat.
Luckily narcissists are rarely as intelligent as they think they are. Unfortunately, they’re every bit as controlling as we know they are. I feel for you with this. I dodged a major bullet with my ex (also a serious narcissist).