Archive for February 13th, 2013

Cure a yeast infection – with just yogurt!

Wednesday, February 13th, 2013

Stuff you’ll need:
-organic, sugar-free, plain yogurt cup(s)
-organic, cotton tampon(s) (without applicator)

Place the tampon in the yogurt cup, string-end up (see photo). If your tampon has an applicator, remove it so you’re only working with the cotton portion. Leave the tampon in the yogurt to soak for 10-15 minutes — it should be at least twice it’s original size when you remove it. Insert the tampon into your vagina, as you would normally when getting your period. Leave it in no longer than 8 hours.

Repeat this process until you feel relief and see a normalization in your vaginal discharge, and then continue it for another 24 hours to ensure you’re killing off lingering excess candida. The number of days necessary will depend on the intensity of your infection. Yogurt is pretty benign, and nothing I have researched indicates that one could “overdose” or create an undesirable imbalance by prolonging treatment. I haven’t had a serious infection in years – but these days if I start feeling a lil itchy, I’ll do this and just once overnight is enough. I prefer to approach feminine health as a perpetual awareness and management of one’s flora & fauna, rather than “OH NO I have contracted an infection, I must ERADICATE it and then I can STOP THINKING about my nether-regions.”

If it doesn’t bug you to eat a yogurt cup that’s just had a clean tampon in it, do so. Why waste it? Your body can use that additional acidophilus when consumed orally!

Stop consuming sugar. Just stop. Next time you eat a candy-bar, see how your honeypot feels the next day. Kind of itchy, right?

Stop taking the pill. Now I was on the pill for years and never had this problem — but I have personal acquaintances that suffered for YEARS with chronic yeast infections because of it.

Eliminate white flour & fermented foods from your diet. Here’s a list from wikipedia.

Wear natural fibers, loose-fitting clothes. Or heck, just go naked or without underwear. Air is like the best remedy for everything. Unless you’re on fire.